Rajasthan High Court LDC 2020 Exam process and syllabus in English

Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam will be Conducted into two sections (Section A and Section B)


Written Test

S.No. Paper Name Max Marks
Min. Marks
For SC/ST & PH candidates For other candidates
1 Part-A Hindi 100



2 Hours
2 Part-B English 100
3 Part-C General Knowledge 100

Method of Conducting Written Test
  • Each Part shall have 50 Multiple Choice Questions bearing two marks for each question.
  • Written test will be conducted through OMR answer sheet.
  • There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers in the Written Test.


1. हिन्दी

  1. संधि के भेद और संधि विच्छेद
  2. समास समास के भेद, विग्रह और सामासिक पदों की रचना
  3. उपसर्ग
  4. प्रत्यय
  5. पर्यायवाची शब्द 
  6. विपरीतार्थक(विलोम) शब्द 
  7. अनेकार्थकशब्द
  8. शब्द-युग्म/समश्रुत शब्द
  9. शब्द-शुद्धि
  10. वाक्य-शुद्धि
  11. वाच्य
  12. वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
  13. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ

2- English

  1. Improvement of sentences
  2. Tenses/Sequences of Tenses
  3. Voice : Active & Passive
  4. Narration : Direct and Indirect 
  5. Transformation of Sentences : Assertive to Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory and vice-versa 
  6. Useof Articles, Determiners and Prepositions
  7. Correction of sentences including subject, verb, Agreement, Degrees of Adjectives, Connectives and words wrongly used.
  8. Synonyms and Antonyms
  9. One word substitutions
  10. Prefixes and Suffixes
  11. Confusable Words
  12. Idioms & Phrases

3- General knowledge
  1. Current Affairs
  2. Geography and Natural Resources
  3. History and Culture of Rajasthan

Section B





Max Marks
Min. Marks
For SC/ST & PH candidates For other candidates


Part-I Speed Test
Hindi 5 Minutes 25

English 5 Minutes 25
2 Paper-II Efficiency Test
10 Minutes 50 20 22.5

गति एवं दक्षता परीक्षा के आयोजन की विधि (Method of Conducting Speed & Efficiency Test) :

i. The font for Computer Test shal be "kruti Devi 010" for Hindi and "CALIBRi" for English.

ii. Minimum Speed should be 8000 key depressions per hour on computer. Data will have to be fed mi may be taken on have to be fed in dual language, i.e. English and Hindi.

iii. Efficiency Test may be taken on word processing software. It shall include formatting of Test, Paragraph, Page & Table using proper methods and formatting of letters.